Rainfall pattern affecting agricultural productivity in Uganda

Agricultural production that rely on rainfall faces the highest risk compared to that of irrigation. Rainfall enhances production and productivity in the sector by making crops and vegetation to grow, animals and fish to have enough water for livelihood and flourish. Animals for example depend largely on vegetation while fish and crops production and productivity […]
Mobile applications that women must have on their mobile phones

Today’s fifth-generation computer advancement has changed the way people perceive and conduct themselves on the internet. Some people have reached the extent of interacting with their devices like humans due to the introduction of artificial intelligence for instance some companies have adopted the use of robotics to administer tasks. New mobile phone applications have been […]
The Uganda Social Media Conference 2018

The Uganda Social Media Conference is an annual event organized by the Uganda country office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). It aims at bringing together key stakeholders from government, civil society, academia, and the media to have a constructive exchange on the impact of social media on the state and society, highlighting both opportunities and challenges. […]