photo2- Lake Victoria , Busia , Uganda . (2).jpg
Women, a beast of burden
Did you know the Women contribute a lot to household incomes , apart from caring for the children , preparing meals for families and also to the development of the country yet their efforts are not appreciated , Women in the rural areas of Busia District move long distances in search of water for washing and preparing meals for their families , many of them tie children on their backs and also use bicycles to fetch water from protected springs and rivers .
Water from unprotected springs and other water sources is often contaminated and results into water borne diseases like bilharzia , cholera and dysentry and therefore Women like Gloria a community volunteer with Hope Case Foundation and living in the rural sub county of Busiime in Busia Uganda after training in digital literacy skills organized captured photos of contaminated water sources where women fetch water and shared with the District water Engineer, Busia and i write this story Busiime Sub County has been allocated 6 boreholes to be installed this financial year ,2022/2023 .Had it not been for digital literacy skills training this problem of water access faced by Women in this rural sub county of Busiime in Busia would not have surfaced in the public domain .
Bravo Women of Uganda Net Work /Smile project .