Project Overview:
The programme is supported by UN Women institutional funding under Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Funds (WPHF) COVID19 emergency response. The programme aims at promoting a conducive digital environment and more meaningful participation in national and local emergency response by women rights organisations in Uganda through equipping staff members with knowledge, skills and competence in the use of digital technology and video conferencing, enhancing rapid localization of COVID 19 data to reduce misinformation and strengthening the logistics capacity through provision of computer equipment, airtime and internet connectivity. Provision of the logistics will strengthen the capacity of the network to support the COVID 19 national task force to prevent the spread of the virus and improve their capacity to implement planned activities that are geared towards prevention of gender-based violence, violation of rights of women and young girls and children exacerbated mainly by COVID 19 preventive measures adopted by the government. This project will promote a conducive digital environment and meaningful participation of women rights organizations in Uganda in national and local emergency response to prevent the spread of COVID 19 and its impact on most at risk population.