The target beneficiaries of the proposed PATHS project will be women, men, and youth who are directly engaged in agriculture between the age of 15 and 60 years.
Project Overview:
In Uganda, approximately 7.4 million households operate agricultural land/or rear livestock. Women dominate the agricultural sector by usually undertaking activities such as sowing, harvesting, head carrying of produce, crop-drying, winnowing, seed selection, and pig and poultry-rearing. Other tasks, such as weeding, bagging, and crop storage, are almost equally undertaken by both women and men. However, women who spend most of their valuable time in agriculture than men own only 31% of the land, and the rising population and growth of incomes have increased the demand for food and agro-processed products, therefore, necessitating identifying and scaling the approaches that can improve livelihoods and environment based on common learning about organic and agroecological farming. Smallholders farmers are sinking deeper into poverty with decreasing primary school enrolment, deteriorating nutrition, and health challenges from increased pressure on the environment amidst frequent and severe climate conditions, made worse by the continued dependence on rain-fed agriculture, poor agricultural practices, low technological adoption, insecurity over land ownership, poor access to extension services, low-quality inputs, and lack of credit ultimately causing threats to food security and sustainable agricultural development. This five years project will work with 6 farmer groups established comprising 30 members each (using the ratio of 70 of women:30 men) in the Uganda-Rwenzori region (Kyenjojo, Kabarole, and Kamwenge District) to increase and improve smallholders’ farmers’ resilience to food security by instigating the level of transition to a sustainable food system through inclusive participation and the use of digital technologies for sustainable agricultural production in Uganda by 2026. Project Duration: June 2022 -June 2026