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Women ICT Advocacy Group (WIAG)

Project Overview:
Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET) under the Gender and ICT Policy Advocacy Program has been engaging in advocating for Gender sensitive ICT Policies and Programs since 2006. The advocacy was undertaken through the caucus named Uganda Women Caucus on ICT Policy (UWCI). To expand the network and bring more members on board who were not WOUGNET’s members, the caucus was rebranded to become the Women ICT Advocacy Group (WIAG). WIAG is housed at WOUGNET secretariat and spearheaded by the organization aimed at engendering ICT policy process in Uganda. The main goal is to advocate for Internet Access for all in Uganda. It is a coalition of organizations and individuals interested in gender and ICT issues. To strengthen the skills of other gender activists, WIAG highlights the main issues during meetings with policy makers and promotes the need to integrate gender into ICT policies. The caucus comprised of WOUGNET members and Interested partners. Project outcomes Advocacy under taken include research, studies, analysis and advocacy of issues in the areas of e-governance, internet access, women rights online and ending gender-based violence

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