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- Create Date July 3, 2017
- Last Updated April 24, 2023
Cyber Infrastructure: Advancing a Gender Sensitive approach to ICT Policy in Uganda
As Internet use continues to grow worldwide, the debate between greater Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom is also expanding. Going online presents many opportunities and dangers. There are hackers and fraudsters, but online forums also present a place for people to express themselves, find useful information, and grow their businesses. With 6 million Ugandans now online, the Ugandan government must contemplate what Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom mean for the Ugandan people Women’s interests should be at the center of this discussion, yet Uganda lacks ICT policy addressing this question.
Women are uniquely affected by ICT policy decisions as the Internet presents a space and opportunity for women’s greater involvement in society and the economy as a whole . Women are also distinctively at risk of abuse online. Women’s organizations, especially those with expertise on ICT issues should play an active role in national discussions regarding a balanced policy on Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom. Efficient, balanced ICT policy in Uganda will only be achieved when women are recognized and included as relevant stakeholders.