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- Create Date March 29, 2022
- Last Updated May 7, 2023
Examining the Effect of Shrinking Civic Space on Feminist Organizing Online, Particularly for Structurally Silenced Women in Uganda
The concept of shrinking civic space for structurally silenced...
The concept of shrinking civic space for structurally silenced women is a paradox that many women human rights defenders (WHRDs) do not discuss. Currently, there is increased shrinking civic space for WHRDs across the country where state and non-state actors use legal, and administrative but also voice and use threats to shrink civic space for WHRDs and feminists for structurally silenced women. This in turn attempts to hinder the work and silence the voices of human rights defenders and civil society organizations.
This report highlights the study findings of a research that was carried out by the Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET) together with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) under Our Voices, Our Futures (OVOF) Project.