Multi-stakeholder convening on Shrinking civic space [online] and feminists organising [online]

On 9th August 2024, we held a multi-stakeholder convening on the shrinking civic space online and feminist online organizing in Uganda. The goal of the convening was to discuss evidence on the backlash against feminist organizing in digital spaces, as well as the broader issue of shrinking civic space online, while exploring effective mechanisms to counter this backlash. The event brought together a diverse group of participants, including gender justice advocates, policymakers, law enforcers, legal practitioners, women human rights defenders, representatives from media organizations, and feminist groups.

During the discussions, participants emphasized the growing threat of online harassment against women that is causing backlash in the digital spaces, which further stifles women’s efforts to mobilize and advocate for gender justice. The convening also highlighted the need for stronger legal frameworks that protect activists’ digital rights. Additionally, practical strategies were proposed to build resilience within feminist movements, including capacity-building workshops and digital security training. The convening also provided a platform for participants to discuss policy mapping questions, that were documented into reports.

Additionally, participants at the convening underscored the importance of solidarity and allyship within feminist movements. By building strong alliances with other civil society groups, activists can amplify their voices and create a united front against the shrinking civic space. Stories of successful collaborations and joint actions were shared, illustrating how collective efforts have led to significant policy changes and increased awareness of women’s rights issues. This sense of community and mutual support emerged as akey factor in sustaining the momentum of feminist organizing.

Another critical aspect discussed was the role of digital platforms in both enabling and hindering feminist activism. While these platforms provide valuable tools for communication and mobilization, they can also be arenas for harassment and backlash. The convening highlighted the need for tech companies to take greater responsibility for creating safer online environments. Participants called for more robust reporting mechanisms and stricter enforcement of policies against online abuse. By holding tech companies accountable, the feminist movement can better leverage digital spaces to advance their advocacy and create lasting change.


Authors: Irene Marunga and Peter Ongom


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